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NCS is non-profit membership organisation for archives, libraries and museums that don't have conservator staff.  We provide advice, management, practice and training in the conservation managament of archive, library and museum collections.  NCS Full Member organisations are provided with an Accredited Conservator to work with custodians in their institutions and remotely, paid for through an annual membership subscription fee and at a price lower than normal consultancy charges for one-off projects.

We aim to make conservation management and planning (aka 'collections care') available and affordable for those without conservation staff. We also seek and secure commercial partnership and sponsorship funding for schemes that make such activities as top-quality storage or environmental monitoring low cost or even free to members.  All Members at whatever level have their own Member Area in our website, where we provide free access to EN standards publications and other resources.

NCS is led by Accredited and qualified conservators and is at the heart of a network of Accredited and Registered studios and preventive conservation consultancies.  NCS Associates support Full Members, on-site and remotely, to deliver specialist services. Our core expertise is conservation of archival and library collections but we bring in specialist Associates to help Members and clients with such heritage as works of art, textiles, archaeological and museum objects. We have nationally recognised expertise in the planning of new archive buildings and refurbishments, including in historic settings.

Our head office and Central London studio is in Mayfair, above the Royal Institution.  We have a partnership with Hackney Borough Council to operate from their purpose-built conservation and digitisation studios at their modern archive at Dalston Square, East London and run a studio at our collaborative storage service (managed by Restore Plc) in Oxfordshire.  We have a partnership with Pembrokeshire Archives to use their purpose-built studio and support Members across Wales.

We work on-site with members from as far afield as Falmouth and Redruth in Cornwall, Bangor in North Wales and Perth in Scotland.  With the advent of online meeting resources since the pandemic, we increasingly carry out planning work remotely and have members further afield across the British Isles and as far away as the Falkland Islands.  We also have a business outlet in France for any Euro currency projects.

To find out how we can help you, look through this site at our different initiatives and membership rates or contact NCS.