With thanks to our sponsor, Bruynzeel, and our superb hosts The National Archives, the National Library of Wales and MALD, National Galleries Scotland and the National Gallery of Ireland, the series of four conferences across the UK and Ireland this year was a great success. In all we reached nearly 500 delegates. We are immensely grateful to our many expert speakers who kindly gave their time to share their experiences of moving towards passive climate storage and display, in a wide range of heritage institutions.
The new EN standard 16893:2018, complimented by the archive conservation standard BS 4971:2017, has already begun to make its mark on the sector. The immediate predecessor PD5454:2012, now withdrawn, broke ground in proposing less reliance on mechanical engineering for environments, but now the new standard goes further, promoting fully passive management achieved through good design. Custodians we have been working with are switching off energy-wasteful air conditoning systems and finding out how well their stores and other spaces can perform without relying on them, saving them thousands in lower energy costs and maintenance charges and actually achieving the good conditions that have so often eluded them. We have experienced a period of uncertaintly about the direction of building design, with some recent schemes reducing rather than removing continuously-running systems, but as people see how much more stable and safe the environment can be when a building is air tight, damp-proof and well insulated, with dry collections dominating the internal rate of change, so new schemes are emerging where no air conditioning is proposed at all and only back-up for dehumidification included for emergencies.
Click on Publications to the right of this page and then on Presentations and you can access a series of thought-provoking powerpoint presentations from the speakers. If you would like to know more about how NCS can help with your building, email us on enquires@ncs.org.uk