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Lending significant items from your collection for exhibition elsewhere, in the UK or overseas, can be an excellent way of promoting your service or generating income. Few institutions however have the infrastructure to do this easily and may refuse to loan or may draw back from displaying material through lack of support to make it happen.

NCS has considerable experience in helping institutions and organisations to display or lend their material, some of them priceless items of world heritage importance such as Magna Carta. We can help you to define your institution's policy and criteria for lending and the requirements for environmental and security protection. We can help process export licence applications; undertake pre- and post-exhibition condition assessments and reports, including photographic and digital microscopic imaging; produce summary condition statements for borrowers, and provide expert couriering and installation. We rent data logger sensors for exhibition monitoring and undertake periodic inspection visits to displays and exhibitions anywhere in the world, and can provide online environmental monitoring wherever your material is being exhibited.

If you want to exhibit or lend your collections, we can help make it happen. contact NCS, or if you want to receive these services as part of an annual support plan, join the National Conservation Service.