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To help custodians make informed planning decisions, or to provide historical and technical insight for researchers, NCS provides a condition assessment service for single items or whole collections. We will examine and test mouldy, dusty, contaminated, stained or degraded materials and advise on how they can be remedied or assess the health risks for users and custodians. We will undertake digital imaging and microscopy to record the physical nature and condition of items and we can arrange for non-destructive spectrographic analysis to understand the chemical and molecular nature of materials.

As specialists in parchment and paper manuscripts, archival seals, printed matter and photographic materials, we will provide you with comprehensive reports on items or collections and help you understand the implications for use, copying or long term storage. Our specialist Associates can provide the same support for works of art, archaeological and museum objects and building features. If you're planning a funding bid for a project involving conservation or digitisation, we will provide an in-depth assessment of options for operational plans and associated costs calculations based on a condition assessment. If you've had a mould outbreak, flood or fire, we will assess the extent of damage and the likely costs of remediation for insurance purposes. We can undertake assessments in situ or at our studios in London, Oxford or Lincoln.

To find out more about condition assessment for your collections, contact NCS, or to receive these services as part of an annual support plan join the National Conservation Service.